The after school club that focuses on your child's wellbeing and personal development
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What is Kids Wellbeing Club?
The Mindfulness for learning Kids Wellbeing Club is an 8 week course exploring wellbeing from a child's perspective with an optional video call for parents/carers at the end of the 8 weeks.
At Kids Wellbeing Club your child will develop an understanding of:
how to manage their emotions using a range of techniques such as mindfulness, movement and breath work
forming valuable connections and friendships
how their brain works
building resilience for difficult times
how to share and get along with others
finding value in both differences and similarities in others
communicating effectively
how to look after their bodies with food, exercise and sleep
Who will be taking the sessions?
The Kids Wellbeing Club is run by Sophie Smith-Tong, the founder of Mindfulness for learning who has over a decade of experience in primary teaching and 4 years working with mental health and wellbeing in primary education.
Sophie Smith-Tong is DBS checked.
Sophie Smith-Tong is not a trained GP, counsellor, therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist. If you are worried about your child's mental health please seek advice from your GP. Read our guide of what to expect when you visit your GP about your child's mental health here.
Who is it for?
Children aged between 5 and 11 years old.
When are the sessions?
There are 8 sessions - dates TBC
The optional parent session will take place - date TBC
If you don't want to miss it then make sure you sign up for our newsletters at the bottom of the page.
Where is it?
Location TBC​
How much does it cost?
8 week Kids Wellbeing Club course full price - £80 including the optional parent drop in at the end of the 8 weeks.
8 week Kids Wellbeing Club course with Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) discount - £64 including the optional parent drop in at the end of the 8 weeks (you can find out if your child receives the Pupil Premium Grant by asking their school office)
A deposit of £25 will be needed to secure your child's place with the remaining £55 required before the course start date. (£15 deposit and £49 PPG discounted price)
Please see terms and conditions for payment, refunds and exchange policies.