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5 simple games to get the family talking

Updated: May 24, 2023

Two Truths and a Lie

Family meal times or the journey home from school are perfect occasions for this game. Each take turns to share 2 truths and 1 lie about your day. The remaining family members have to discuss which one is the lie. A really fun way for parents to get some information about the school day without getting “it was good” or silence as an answer!

Shape Master

Children must direct you to create the animal or object on the card using only their words. Switching roles gives the adult the chance to model how you might use your words effectively. This introduces the children to positional language (above, behind, on top of), mathematical concepts (shape names, size, pattern) and perseverance - children can get frustrated when you do not understand what they are trying to tell you which acts as an opportunity to teach them patience and trying out new ways to approach challenges. You can buy this game online or make your own! A fun activity in itself!

Learning Journal Sharing

*For young children who have online learning platforms (EYFS and sometimes Year 1) For older children sharing work that they bring home is equally as revealing.

Sit with your child over the weekend or an evening if you have time and look at the photos from their online learning journals. Ask questions about their experiences that may help them to verbalise what the photos are showing. Perhaps they might like to mirror some of the experiences at home to consolidate their learning.

Film Reviews

Have a regular film night where all the family come together to watch a film. I recommend putting together a timetable so that you don't have the hour-long discussion of what film before the screening! Once the film has finished talk about the film - what did you like/dislike? What characters did you identify with or like? How many stars do you give it? How does it compare to the previous films watched?

Who Am I?

Place a picture of an animal, person or object on your head - Post-its work or you can buy these games ready made here. Use questions to try and work out what you have on your post it or card. Encourage children to think about which question they might ask to get the most detail.

Would You Rather?

Children love this one! You can find many picture books and activity books around this topic. The books challenge you with two different scenarios that you can firstly choose and then justify your decisions. Encourage children to carefully think about why they would choose that option. You Choose and Just Imagine by Nick Sharratt are excellent books to instigate these conversations.


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